Aotearoa New Zealand
Smart Home Electrical Automation
and Lifestyle Devices


Smart Home | Electrical Automation | Lifestyle Devices | Resources | Glossary

1 Home SHEALD - The best New Zealand resource for ideas, products, tips and recommendations when creating your Smart Home

Advertise with SHEALD

The SHEALD website provides an expanding platform of information, tips, reviews, and technical data to help with the design, construction, and use of the modern smart home in Aotearoa New Zealand.

With this context in mind, the pages of this website create the ideal place for businesses, craftspeople, trade, and industry entities to advertise within sections that are closely related to what they do within the Smart Home sector. There are a number of choices for you:

Premium Supplier Profile Page

Within the SHEALD website pages we have compiled a number of directory listings. This include the following:

Many of these pages include listings of companies and businesses that serve a specific geographical area of Aotearoa New Zealand or a particular part(s) of smart home solutions.

The default amount of information we provide is the name of the company and what area of the country they offer their services. You can upgrade this so that each time your business is referenced it has a link to a customised Premium Supplier Profile Page within the SHEALD website. This profile page will include photographs, summary text, links to important parts of your website and social media, and an online information request form that customers can complete to send you.

For example

Smartlife Ltd is a company headquartered in Auckland with showrooms/offices across Aotearoa New Zealand.

They have a Premium Supplier Profile Page, so whenever their company is referenced there is a link to their dedicated page on the SHEALD website.

Example of a Premium Supplier Profile Page

They are also highlighted as a Premium Supplier in the directory listings mentioned above. Premium listings are placed at the top of each list.

Example of a Premium Supplier directory listing

Book now

Click on the Book Now button below to book your place as a Premium Supplier here on the SHEALD website.

Having a Premium Supplier profile page only costs $10 per week, with a minimum contract duration of 12 months.

1First Level Advertisements

The First Level pages include the following:

To advertise your business on any of these pages costs $50 per week (with a maximum of 4 different advertisers displayed on the page at any time)

Minimum contract duration of 6 months.

2Second Level Advertisements

Second Level pages are those that are linked to from the First Level pages shown above.

To advertise your business here costs $35 per week (with a maximum of 6 different advertisers displayed on the page at any time)

Minimum contract duration of 6 months.

3Topic (Third) Level Advertisements

Topic Level pages are those that are linked to from the Second Level pages shown above.

To advertise your business here costs $25 per week (with a maximum of 10 different advertisers displayed on the page at any time)

Minimum contract duration of 6 months.

Multiple Spot Discounts

If you choose to advertise on more than one page within the SHEALD website you can get a discount.

3 or more - 15% discount

5 or more - 20% discount

10 or more - 30% discount

Minimum contract duration of 3 months.

Smart Home Company - Smartlife Ltd

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Aotearoa New Zealand
Smart Home Electrical Automation
and Lifestyle Devices