Aotearoa New Zealand
Smart Home Electrical Automation
and Lifestyle Devices


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2 Home Smart Home

Smart Home Device Suppliers

Here is a directory of companies that supply Smart Home devices. Some of these companies will provide design services, installation and customisation if required (but not all).

We would recommend visiting the supplier (if possible) before making a purchase so that you can try out the device you are interested in. Many of these suppliers will have showrooms or demonstration units so that you can check that the particular device meets the needs of your smart home plans. You can also ask about similar products they may sell and this will give you more to consider in your choices.

Remember that you can also make reference to the Smart Home products we review for you here on the SHEALD website.

Door locks

E-Lok, Smart Locks,

Lawnmowers (robot)

Aotearoa New Zealand
Smart Home Electrical Automation
and Lifestyle Devices