Aotearoa New Zealand
Smart Home Electrical Automation
and Lifestyle Devices


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3 Home Resources Smart Home Books

Book: Home Automation for Dummies

"Want a smarter home? See how you can control it with your phone or tablet."

"The home of the future can be your home, with your smartphone or tablet and the easy-to-follow advice in this book! It shows you how to control all sorts of things in your home using your mobile device, from thermostats and home security systems, to lights and cleaning devices. And with these plain-English instructions, you can do it yourself."


3 stars

Date: 1 February 2022


First of all, this is quite an old book now and so some of the product information is out of date or missing (which is to be expected). But, this is part of the very large family of 'Books for Dummies' and the instructions are written in an accessible and easy to read way.

This book is really focused on the US market and customers there, so you will need to take some of the information and brand references for reference only. The information is not wasted as this provides good background learning for the brands and products available to the Aotearoa New Zealand market.

There is quite a comprehensive section on heating, cooling and cleaning control with a review of a number of smart vacuum cleaners as well as an automated bbq grill cleaner and an aquarium glass cleaner.

The smart lighting chapter is quite good and covers a number of technologies and solutions (but there are a lot more now.)

Dwight provides a lot of detail on smart kitchen appliances, media control and outdoor garden smart technology (he obviously really likes the idea of not having to manually cut the grass anymore.)

For a quick summary of basic tips the chapter on 'Ten Easy Ways to Begin Automating Your Home' is a good one to get your thinking. The products aren't all the most up-to-date but there are modern equivalents.



3 stars


5 stars

Value for Money

3 stars

Aotearoa NZ Relevance

2 stars

Book Contents
  1. Introducing Home Automation
    • Home Automation 101
    • What You Need to Get Started
    • Determining Your Home Automation Needs
  2. Automating Inside Your Home
    • Keeping Your Call or Turning Up the Heat
    • Nice and Tidy Does It
    • I'm in the Mood for... Anything: Automated Lighting
    • Safe, Sound, and Hunkered Down
    • Home, Home on the Automatic Range: The Automated Kitchen
    • Monitoring Water Use and Detecting Leaks
    • Smart Home Entertainment
  3. Automating Outside Your Home
    • Checking the Weather
    • Your Grandfather's Dream, Your Reality: Automated Lawn Care
  4. Taking Command of Your Home Automation Systems
    • Working with Mobile Devices and Computers
    • Controlling Your Home from One Platform
  5. The Part of Tens
    • Ten Easy Ways to Begin Automating Your Home
    • Ten Great Websites for Home Automation
    • Ten Other Options for Automating Your Life

Home Automation for Dummies

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Aotearoa New Zealand
Smart Home Electrical Automation
and Lifestyle Devices