WS Design
Graphic Design Services

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Design for Printing

Designing with printing in mind is an important aspect of graphic design, especially when creating materials that will be printed professionally.

I will always guide your requests when you need print design work so that when you see the finished (printed) article it both looks great and performs effectively.

Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when designing for print:

  • Colour Mode: Ensure that the colour mode is set to CMYK, which is the colour mode used for print. RGB colour mode, which is used for digital screens, can cause colour inconsistencies when printed.

  • Bleed: Always include a bleed area in your design to ensure that the printed piece extends to the edge of the paper without any white borders. Typically, a bleed area of 1/8 inch is recommended.

  • Resolution: Use high-resolution images (at least 300dpi) to ensure that the printed piece is sharp and clear. Low-resolution images can appear pixelated or blurry when printed.

  • Fonts: Use fonts that are easy to read and can be printed clearly. Avoid using fonts that are too small or too intricate, as they may not print well.

  • Layout: Consider the layout of the design and how it will be printed. For example, if the piece will be folded, make sure that the design allows for the fold to be in the correct place.

  • Paper Type: Choose the appropriate paper type for the printed piece. Different paper types can affect how the colours and images appear, as well as the overall texture and feel of the printed piece.

  • Proofreading: Always proofread your design before printing to avoid any typos, errors, or inconsistencies in the content. This will help to ensure that the final printed piece is professional and error-free.

By keeping these considerations in mind, you can create designs that are optimised for print and will look their best when printed professionally.

WS Design - Design for Printing

Order Process

Mark Cain - Graphic Designer
1. Get a Free Quote

Get in touch with me and describe what you need to be designed.

I will email you a quote for doing the design work.

2. Confirm Order Details

Confirm you are happy to proceed with the new design project.

Send me any logos, images, photos, and text and we will discuss colours, sizes, fonts, etc.

3. Starting Payment

Pay the Starting Payment and the design project will begin.

(Now follow the 'Design Process.')

Design Process

1. Design Proof

Your design project begins and you will receive an initial design proof via email for you to review and approve. If you are happy then reply via email with your approval.

2. Edits and Approval

If you need changes to the initial design then a new design proof will be prepared for your review. When you are happy with the new design proof, respond via email to approve the final design.

3. Finalise

The final approved design will be prepared for the specified output and the project will be saved and archived for future reference.

4. Final Payment

Pay the Final Payment as agreed in the initial design quote.

Thank you for your business and I look forward to helping you in the future.

WS Design
Graphic Design Services

About WS Design
