Aotearoa New Zealand
Smart Home Electrical Automation
and Lifestyle Devices


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3 Home Smart Home What is a Smart Home?

A Day in the Life of a Smart Home

Have you every wondered what your home could be doing for you while you are at work, school, shopping, or on holiday. Read on and see some examples of what a well thought out smart home could be doing every day.

With even a basic smart home system you can schedule devices to operate, heating to be monitored and managed, and specific electrical devices switched on or off in response to the changing conditions throughout the day.

Some tasks can be scheduled to be repeated every day at the same time or only occur under certain criterea. You can add to these configurations as time goes on and tune up the 'smartness' as you live with it.

05:00 Early morning

  • Heating

Automation rules

  • If lights are turned on in the house they are automatically dimmed to 30% for those early morning sensitive eyes

6:30 Morning

  • Smart lighting
  • News and weather update

7:00 Breakfast

  • Curtains and blinds
  • Boil kettle

9:00 Working day

  • Solar water heating

10:30 Morning tea

  • Vacuum
  • Remote doorbell

12:30 Home for lunch

  • ITEM

14:00 Afternoon tea

  • Lawn mower

15:30 Home from school

  • Traffic update
  • Heating

17:00 Dinner time

  • ITEM

18:00 Homework

  • Mass light control
  • Bluer lights for working

20:00 Movie mode

  • Smart locks
  • Electric blanket

22:30 Bedtime

  • Check all devices are off
  • Heating control
  • Security
  • Washing machine

23:00 Overnight routine

  • EV charger

A day in the life of a Smart Home

Smart Home Company - Smartlife Ltd

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Aotearoa New Zealand
Smart Home Electrical Automation
and Lifestyle Devices