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3 Home Smart Home Planning Your Smart Home

Secure Your Home Network

Computer and online devices are inherently open to security problems and potential malicious attacks. You can take steps to prepare, prevent and secure your smart home.

As smart home devices and control systems develop and improve, so too will the security features and effectiveness. You can take steps today to do everything possible to maintain maximum security for your smart home.

Section contents
  1. Plan for Problems
  2. Hackers and How to Prevent Them
  3. App Security
  4. Wireless Security
  5. Security for fully integrated systems
  6. Wifi Security - Firewall, Encryption, Auto-updating
  7. Voice Assistant - Always listening
  8. How to Delete Voice Recordings
  9. Backup Power (UPS)

Plan for problems

It is not nice to think about security problems with your smart home system, but it is better to prepare for them in your planning, setup good practices, and then never have major issues.

Take some time to consider the most serious security areas of your smart home today and that of the future and make plans to address them properly. Use the brief discussions of various security areas below to kickstart your work to secure your smart home.

Hackers and how to prevent them

Most hackers will take the least steps possible to just test the waters and see if they can gain access to your system. They do have software to help speed up their attacks but they will very often be thwarted by the most basic steps of good security practices. The harder you can make it for a hacker to get started the better.

You don't have to be an expert on the mind of a hacker as there is a lot of information out there online to give you some insight into the techniques, assumptions, and approach of a hacker.

App security

Many smart devices have apps that offer the control and configuration tools for manual or smart operation. Because these apps are connected to the internet to allow normal operation there is the risk of unsecured access from third parties. If a hacker was able to gain access to one of your apps that has access to your door control, or home alarm, this would represent a significant problem.

So, you must do all you can to secure access to these apps. The best things to do are to keep all apps updated and any security updates current on the connected smart devices. Always maintain good practices with regards to usernames and passwords for these apps and have a regular review schedule for them.

Wireless security

A large number of smart home devices use wireless communication protocols to control and manage them. This also allows the potential for hackers to intercept and take over these signals and compromise the security of your smart home systems.

Whether it is Wifi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, or any other wireless protocol, please take a necessary steps to follow good practice when it comes to configuring the security settings on these devices. Make it part of your plan to regularly review the login details you use and if necessary, monitor the logins to these devices and any potential unauthorised login attempts.

Security for fully integrated systems

A fully integrated smart home system uses ideally only one control system (and probably only one smart device app) to control all your smart devices, routines and schedules.

This type of system makes it very easy from a daily user point of view but it also means that if a hacker can crack access to this one system then they can access to the whole of your smart home control.

The majority of the smart devices and controls in an integrated system still rely on the cabled and wifi network. So, please make sure you follow standard procedures to make your system as secure as possible. (See below for firewall, encryption and auto-updating guidelines.)

Wifi security - firewall, encryption, auto-updating

It is recommended to use a recognised firewall system on your Wifi router to prevent unauthorised software infecting your smart home system.

When configuring the security on your router always use the encryption systems that are offered to maximise your security against hackers.

Routers and other smart home devices often have software (firmware) updates that maintain the maximum security options for the devices. Always allow these to update automatically when given the choice so that you don't get behind with them by forgetting to check and manually apply any updates.

TIP: Admin password

When configuring your Wifi router the first thing to take control of is the administrator login. Often the default username is set to 'admin' and the password could well just be 'password.' Change these as soon as you can to something a lot more personal and secure. This is like the front door to your system and so you should make sure this is as secure as possible.

Voice assistant is always listening

More voice assistant technology is being utilised to make our homes smart. Whether it is an Amazon Echo device on your desk or the Siri application on your phone, these technologies are designed to listen to and remember the words and phrases they hear so that when the corresponding 'wake word' is recognised they can respond to your instruction.

The fact that these technologies are recording the audio around you means that you should be aware of this and exercise suitable amounts of caution when speaking about things that are of a secure, sensitive nature.

You must remember that your voice assistant is always listening to you and those in your home.

So, take care when discussing personal details relating you to and your family members, financial information, passwords, PIN numbers, and any other details you would not feel comfortable if it was distributed to a wider audience.

It would be advised to get in the habit of considering the devices that are close to you and able to listen and then switching off the listening features when you need to be private.

How to delete voice recording

Voice assistant devices all have routines you can follow to delete any voice recording that has taken place previously. Google how to do this for your particular device and make it a habit to do this regularly. This can help minimise the amount of voice recorded data that is being stored relating to you and the people in your home.

Backup power (UPS)

The addition of a UPS system for your critical network devices is one of those things like buying insurance. You do it with the hope and intention that you will never need it. But, the day your power goes out and you are left with no mains electricity for a couple of hours, or a day, you will wish you had paid a few hundred dollars to install even a basic UPS device.

A True UPS Story

From my own experience with a family who use the internet for their phones, laptops, Alexa, etc. (like most other families), I have felt the pain when there is a power cut and suddenly the cry goes out, "Dad, why isn't the internet working?"

They never say, "I think the fridge has gone off, I can't stand the thought of warm cheese!", or "The kettle won't turn on, I need a hot drink!"

The first thought is for that critical connection to the internet - power for the modem and wifi router. So, we have a small UPS system that can power the modem and wifi router for a few hours if the power disappears. I am now the hero in the story and will have a few hours before people start getting concerned about the fridge.

We have a whole section on Smart Home Backup Power (UPS) so please look through this (see below.)

See also
Smart Home Backup Power UPS
Aotearoa New Zealand
Smart Home Electrical Automation
and Lifestyle Devices