Aotearoa New Zealand
Smart Home Electrical Automation
and Lifestyle Devices


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2 Home Lifestyle Devices

Smart Home Device Reviews and Recommendations

Take some of the guess work out of buying Smart Home devices by reading about the products we have tested and reviewed here.

All of these devices have been tested here in New Zealand under normal operating conditions. They have personally been setup, configured and tested by one of our New Zealand team members. If you have specific questions about these reviews please join our Facebook Group and ask us (and our online community).

Device Reviews

Tuya Four Relay Controller PCB
Tuya Four Relay Controller PCB

Brilliant Dimmer Light Switch Mech
Brilliant Dimmer Light Switch Mech

Kogan Power Plug

Glass Light Switches

Tuya Garage Door Opener

Tuya Motion Sensors (PIR)

Zigbee Motion Sensors (PIR)

Tuya Universal IR Remote

Share Your Own

If you have reviewed these (or other) products on your own social media channels please let us know and we will add a link to it here. We believe that the more reviews we can provide will give a better balance of information.

Make a Suggestion

If you would like to see a review of a specific product please contact us and let us know.

Aotearoa New Zealand
Smart Home Electrical Automation
and Lifestyle Devices